“But it’s not just about increasing the absence of oppression. It’s also about practicing something else in its place. It’s about increasing liberation.”


    - Mia Birdsong, How We Show Up: Reclaiming Family, Friendship, and Community.

  •  Our definition of liberatory leadership is alive; it is growing and evolving as we continue to deepen our understanding of liberatory leadership in collaboration with practitioners in the broader ecosystem. The working definition shared here reflects our current understanding. We will update this space with our future iterations.

    What is liberatory leadership?

    Liberatory leadership theory and practice invite us to lead from a place of love, wholeness, and interdependence. By valuing celebration over competition, we are able to access possibilities that can only emerge in community. The practice of liberatory leadership flourishes when we create space for rest, when we address power differentials in service of justice, and when we center those at the margins within our organizations and our work.

    How did we arrive at this definition?

    Through a series of Liberatory Leadership House Parties, webinars, communal dreaming, and visioning sessions, we wordsmithed the words that have blossomed into our definition of liberatory leadership. Below, you'll find examples of the mindmaps we created as we embarked on this journey.

    broken image

    What frameworks, approaches, practices, and movements inform and are informed by liberatory leadership?

    Liberatory leadership relies on a number of disciplines and approaches that many of us are already practicing. The image below is a non-exhaustive depiction of the lineages that liberatory leadership exists at the intersection of.