• Liberatory Leadership Partners

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    Ericka Stallings

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    Zuri Tau

    Founding Partner

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    Trish Tchume

    Founding Partner

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    Iman Mills Gordon

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    Chinyere Tutashinda

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    Kharyshi Wiginton

  • (LLC) is a national nonprofit learning network of people who run, fund, and study leadership development. LLC challenges traditional thinking about leadership and supports the development of more inclusive, networked, and collective models.

    (RSCF), a private foundation committed to helping to create a vibrant New York City through unrestricted funding. RSCF believes in supporting and challenging the leadership development field to ask challenging questions about how we grow and shift to better cultivate leadership.

    (CTWO) is a capacity-building and leadership training organization. CTWO provides activists the necessary skills to effectively organize within their communities and mobilizes leaders to run organizations and successful campaigns in order to change the existing political and economic order.

    Social Insights Research is a women of color led firm whose members employ their diverse backgrounds and skills to inform their work on challenging projects. To shift the evaluation paradigm by utilizing mixed methodologies that go beyond counting hours, people, and dollars. We work to decolonize evaluation and research in partnership with organizations that resource and center marginalized populations.